Saturday, March 17, 2007

Losing something special

Go now if your easily upset!

I had serious pains one month (at that time of month! sorry guys) and had decided to call nhs direct. After taking advice to get a pregnancy kit, I found out that I was indeed pregnant. Well a joyous husband was a concern as I new I had been bleeding for 11 days on and off. I called the doctors surgery who wanted me to go around straight away.
Mixed emotions followed as I tried to get my head around all the possibilities. I sat in the doctors waiting room hoping that everything would be ok. As a mum of two already, I know what a blessing a child is and wanted this so much despite not planning this one.
While I sat in the waiting room, the pain increased, I doubled over and lost my baby in the waiting room in front of the other patients. All within one hour.
I did not want to move as the doctor and receptionist tried to help me through to the back as I knew what I was leaving behind on the chair for all to see.
I think that it has to go down in the worst experience I have had in such a short space of time.
I was three months gone and in a not so pretty way. I took it really bad.
I think that people don't understand that a grieving period must follow the loss of an unborn baby, just because you haven't met the child, doesn't make it more bearable.
We called the baby Josie and still miss what she could be like now. I look forward to meeting her.

If you know someone who has had this loss, please do not say the following. 'Well at least you didn't know the baby' 'You can always try again or have another one' 'At least you have two other children' Instead try saying that you don't understand but they must be hurting so I'll cook for you, bring it to your home and look after your family while you grieve. Thank you so much Nick and Diana for doing just that. x

2 comments: said...

iam extremly honoured to be your wife and to be with through the bad and the good. I too sha look forward to seeing her one day. If she is anything like you she will be an amazing young lady.

sha.coburn said...

Well that's a BIG surprise as I thought I married a man and gained a husband!