Saturday, March 17, 2007

What's a blog for

Last night I lay in bed and thought about my husbands blog page. He seems to get so much out of blogging (Is that the real term?) that I thought about how can I use my blog to more effect.

I then went through some of the things that have happened in my life over the years and how sometimes you need to get them off your chest. Maybe this is how? People don't always want to listen to your story when you try and tell it, they talk over you, don't hear what you are saying, change the subject... but I suppose I can tell my story here and if you want to read it great, and if not, I won't know about it so it won't hurt!

I think people need to tell their story sometimes as it is all part of understanding the way things are and getting it off your chest, healing etc. And in this busy life that I find myself in, I think this could be a good way of... well, just letting it all go.

So, I have decided that I will give it a try.

Sorry if things get heavy from here in, but you can always avoid this blog if you need to. Thanks for the push Warren.

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