Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I have recently been on a 'Survival' residential and found it to be amazing! Myself and the others who work in the same department as me went on a retreat/residential to the deep wild countryside of Kent. We had to make our own shelters, find our own food (carefully placed by the Survival team - not fresh rabbit!) cook our food and try out some team building exercises. The best was making our own fishing rods and catching our own fish, unfortunately all the ones I caught were too small to cook but the experience was great.
I managed to locate the injured person on search and rescue, a claim to fame!
The team were all fantastic, it helped us to bond so much more, and there were no complaints at all. Even Rachael was able to put up with sharing her bivvy (shelter) with some beetles.
The scariest moment was when we were searching for our food and I found myself in the middle of a badger set. I was assured that they are nocturnal but got out of there as fast as I could ... just in case!

A brilliant time away with so much gained. I highly recommend the experience.

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