Today the whole of British Youth for Christ that work from head office in Halesowen are seeking to meet the need of Personal Support. Me included!
Personal Support is part of our ministry and it means that we find individuals to give monthly to YFC to support us in the work that we do.
I have to raise 50% of my own salary as part of my ministry and it is probably the hardest thing that I do with YFC. I do this as my commitment to the vision of YFC and YFC commits itself to finding the other 50% plus expenses. This enables the Charity to have more staff to
take good news relevantly to every young person in britain. find out more at
http://www.yfc.co.uk/I have individuals and churches who give between £5 and £200 per month, quarter or year. If you would like to help out by giving a donation to the work that I do, please contact me and I will guide you through this simple process. Please consider this prayerfully.
Newsletter Sharron Coburn April 2008
Family News
We are all recovering from an extremely busy period and are feeling the consequences of this at the moment. We intend to take a week off to do nothing in May and it can’t come soon enough!
Dennis’ health remains good and we thank God for this. Jake got every question right in his Science GCSE exam which is reward for the hours of revision that he put in and Jessica has secured a role in her school performance of The Wizard of Oz.
We are all planning for a busy summer and are looking forward to the new challenges ahead. We remain reliant upon God for all our needs including our salaries and know that He always provides, sometimes in the most unexpected way. I sometimes despair at this but see His greatness through the tough times.
Being busy can sometimes get in the way of seeing old friends but we hope to catch up with some of you soon. Please stay in touch.
Give thanks
For the many opportunities to meet and share with young people about the Gospel.
For my family and the past provision that God has blessed us with.
For the good health of Dennis and may it continue.
For the support given by many through prayer, finance and help.
For an encouraging start to 2008 with Hope and vision to see young peoples lives changed.
The Gift of GivingGod has blessed both myself and Dennis with ten years of provision for our salaries and we thank Him for this. It is also because of this length of time that it becomes increasingly harder to find individuals who are prepared to support us.
I am looking for some people to ‘personally support’ the work that I do with British YFC. To be a Personal Supporter involves you filling out a standing order form to give as little or as much as you can each month, quarter or year to British YFC which will be allocated to my 50% of salary that I need to raise.
You may think that your small amount won’t make a difference but every person who gives are equally valued by me, regardless of the amount given (£5 to £200). It not only indicates that you believe in the work of British YFC but I take it as a sign that you have faith in me to put your gift to good use. Please consider this now before you move on to your next task. Thank you.
If you would like to consider this, I would love to hear from you.
Summer Rock Fun DayThe fun day will take place at Marlborough House School in Hawkhurst on Saturday 14th June and I am not only looking for groups to book in to this great day but people who are willing to help.
Could you give up one Saturday to see 100s of young people come together to hear about God and have a great day. Please let me know. Details of this event are on
Detling Summer Conference and Summer camp
Plans are now well underway for the youth side of Detling. We have managed to get three bands to come (My Spoon, DoXology an Thebandwithnoname) and are establishing a team of volunteers. Some have been to Detling many times and are prepared to come and work alongside myself and Dennis, some are new and some are yet to discover they are coming!
Dennis will be heading up the worship and some teaching while I will be miss organised, making sure that everything and everyone works and rests at the right time.
We are looking for people aged 16+ who have a servant heart and want to join us both at providing for the young people at Detling this year. (2nd—7th Aug).
We have also space for campers and staff at our own Summer camp held in Northiam (11th—15th Aug). If you are interested or you know someone who will be, please let me know.
You can find out more information about Detling at www.detling.com or contact me direct and Summer Camp at www.wealdyfc.co.uk
Please Pray
For individual givers to this work who want to join in the vision of YFC. For more income as gift aid goes down from 28% to 25% effecting both our ministries.
For my family that we will all have time to rest and become refreshed in our ministry and for good health and provision.
For Spring Harvest and my role in praying with and for young people. For the evening of giving the message to the young people that they will have understanding of what God may be saying to each of them.
For the Summer Rock Fun Day that young people will hear from God and will be changed for life. For volunteers who are willing to give their time.
For Detling that plans will go smoothly and the team will grow. For the young people that they will experience God like never before. For the team to be blessed as well as the young people.
For my new role in YFC with the 14-18s. For time management to be effective and for me to rest when I can. For the vision of the church to expand so that we can see more of this age group coming to know God and staying with Him for a life of faith.
New Role
My new title is the 14-18s Co-ordinator for British YFC. This means that I have to look after resources, residentials, teaching and equipping of this age range. Some of you may have heard of Mettle the resource and Mettle Bible Reading Notes, these are now my responsibility and I have to commission writers, write myself and edit the material.
There are hundreds of groups around the country who use this weekly material and thousands of young people who read the daily bible reading notes so my aim is to make this resource as good and accessible as it can be.
This is the age group that churches find it really hard to connect with and keep so my challenge is difficult and the added pressure of deadlines etc has took its toll on me. As I get into the new rhythm of the publishing world, I will have to work my socks off at certain points in the year and learn to rest at others. I will still be the regional person for Kent so have lost the South East but gained the country! The work continues….
Spring Harvest
I have been asked to be pastoral co-ordinator for Minehead week 3 with the 11-14s. It is a privilege and an honour to do this and I am looking forward to going. I know that some of you will be there so say hi. I will be leading sessions on prayer, an alpha session on Who is the Holy Spirit and giving the evening message on the Thursday.
There could be up to 400 young people at this event and it is very humbling but also awesome to be in this job sometimes. I really do thank God for placing me in this ministry.